Monday, July 23, 2007

Mississippi Trial, 1955

Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe

Hiram loves living with his grandparents in Mississippi. He thinks that there is no better place in the world. He loves riding in his grandfather's pick-up truck, he loves Coca-Cola, he loves fishing, but most of all he loves his grandfather. Hiram's father doesn't get along with his grandfather and when Hiram's grandmother dies, he is forced to go live with his parents in Arizona.

Years pass and Hiram is not allowed to go and visit his grandfather, that is until the summer of 1955. That summer will change Hiram's life forever. It will change his views on Mississippi, his father, his grandfather, and most of all life. And, it is all because of a Chicago boy named Emmett Till.

This book is a great read if you like historical fiction. It deals with the murder of Emmett Till and the subsequent trial. The perfect book for a young person wanting to learn more about this hateful event.

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